Friday 31 January 2014

The Prince Can't Dance Sa--------.

Then there was the Prince  - an analysis of  how to acquire and maintain power, created by Machiavelli,  and now a Prince was to be coronated by the Congress, who, despite popular demand  had managed to hide him from a public debate. However, a persistent Arnab Goswami managed to rope him in for an interview. What humongous efforts went into prepare for this encounter would never be known, what is known is that the interview was a personal disaster for the man and an ominous sign for the Congress gravely upsetting  it's Apple Cart.A famous movie song says it all,
                                                           bund ho muthhi to lakh ki,
                                                           khul gayi to phir khak si 

That RaGa proved that every word above is worth its weight in gold is a foregone conclusion. Though he claims to be M Phil from Oxford, subject not known, wonder if he ever laid his hands on Machiavelli,s treatise, considered a guiding beacon for those who want to rule. If he had he wouldn,t have missed these golden lines,
                                He who neglects what is done for what ought to be done, 
                                   sooner effects his ruin than his preservation.

I m not going into the nuances of the questions in the interview.However, the outcome is gratifying as it confirmed that political naivety can be an asset when one promotes fresh ideas .But political stupidity can only spell doom and gloom; not only for the perpetrator but the entire brood that supports such ignominy.The Congress party finds itself slam bang in the eye of such a controversy stirred by the heir apparent.

 The "Interview" expected to be a three pointer (slam dunk) moment to elevate the Yuvraj on the national center stage and strengthen Congress's moorings, turned out to be a Snowden/Gorbachev moment for the Congress, not only causing indefensible embarrassment to the Party, the same that happened to US post Snowden revelations, but also signalling a disquiet, divergence and ultimate split in the UPA on the lines of what Gorbachev's Perestroika did to the erstwhile USSR.

The extant political edge that the UPA enjoyed will quickly erode after this interview. Condemned to manage the  faux pas, all by itself,  the Congress men and women, deeply consumed by their subservience to the Family, continue to eulogise about the great virtues of truth, candidness, boldness and courage displayed by the Yuvraj. Unfortunately, he only stated the obvious, about 1984 carnage which, has been in the public domain for the last thirty years.  The fact of the matter is that he has disturbed the "Beehive", unleashing  volleys of queries to establish accountability of the then Govt and the Congress men involved in that genocide.

Wonder if the Congress's DT Deptt and the Think Tanks ever imagined the outcome to be so damaging as it is turning out to be. But having been in existence for almost 130 years and led the nation to ruins, lagging way behind in every human development index, it had to, one day, face its Waterloo, especially when it is trying to promote the most unworthy to lead the nation.

 Arnab deserves kudos for arranging the occasion for the Yuvraj (Prince) to exercise the Samson option, and also deliver an appropriate obituary  that his Party truly deserves  for its machinations, malfeasance, corruption and political expediency. That it was delivered  so magnificently, for fifty minutes,by its own creation, the heir apparent, is a wake up call for all  political parties trying to promote dynasties, however inept, incompetent and unsuitable they may be for the job. 

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